[Answered ]-How to trigger a python script on the server through user action in react (Django+React)?



I figured this out myself watching YouTube videos.

The answer is to use Express and routers with APIs. Basically create a form element and place the url in the form action tag that that is then read by app.use() function in express.

Here is an example:

const runPython = require('./apps/runPython.js'); //<--Node function that calls a child process for python


    var inputData = JSON.stringify(req.body);
    var appName = req.params.appName //<--name of the python script file
    const result = runPython.run_python_script(inputData, appName); //<--Python returns a text string
    context = JSON.parse(result) //<-- conver test string to json

    res.status(200).render('calculate_savings',{context}); //<--send python data back to browser


"runPython" Node script imported above for launching python child process..

function run_python_script(appName, inputData){
    const { spawnSync } = require('child_process');
    const python = spawnSync('python3', ['-c', `from apps import ${appName}; ${appName}.run(${inputData}); assert False`], { encoding: "utf8" });

    // Access stdout

    // Access stderr

module.exports = { run_python_script };

And finally, the form in html where python is called from…

    <form action="/pythonApp/calculate_savings" method="POST">

        <label for="revenue">Revenue</label>

        <input name="revenue" value="123456789">

        <button type="submit">Submit</button>


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