At the moment it’s not possible to accurately run coverage alongside with django-nose (because of the way Django 1.7 loads models). So to get the coverage stats, you need to use coverage.py directly from command line, e.g:
$ coverage run --branch --source=app1,app2 ./manage.py test
$ coverage report
$ coverage html -d coverage-report
You can put coverage.py settings into .coveragerc file in the project root (the same dir as manage.py).
This issue is reported on django-nose GitHub page: https://github.com/django-nose/django-nose/issues/180 so maintainers know about the problem, you can let them know that you’re also experiencing this issue.
eliangcs pointed out (django-nose issues on GiHub), that woraround is to modify your manage.py
import os
import sys
if __name__ == "__main__":
# ...
from django.core.management import execute_from_command_line
is_testing = 'test' in sys.argv
if is_testing:
import coverage
cov = coverage.coverage(source=['package1', 'package2'], omit=['*/tests/*'])
if is_testing:
It works, but it’s rather “hacky” approach.
I recommend for everybody that uses nose to have a look at py.test (http://pytest.org/), which is really good Python testing tool, it integrates well with Django, has a lot of plugins and many more. I was using django-nose, but tried py.test and never looked back.
As the docs say, “use the command line to run your program with coverage”:
coverage run --branch --source=notify ./manage.py test
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I spent sometime with this problem, and even with the answers given, they were not detailed enough to fully explain what I was experiencing. Here is what works well for me now, as per answer from iyn with a few necessary tweaks. My manage.py looks like this:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import os
import sys
if __name__ == "__main__":
os.environ.setdefault("DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE", "settings")
from django.core.management import execute_from_command_line
except ImportError as exc:
raise ImportError(
"Couldn't import Django. Are you sure it's installed and "
"available on your PYTHONPATH environment variable? Did you "
"forget to activate a virtual environment?"
) from exc
# See https://stackoverflow.com/questions/24668174/how-to-test-coverage-properly-with-django-nose
is_coverage_testing = 'test' in sys.argv and '--with-coverage' in sys.argv
# Drop dupe with coverage arg
if '--with-coverage' in sys.argv:
if is_coverage_testing:
import coverage
cov = coverage.coverage(source=['client_app', 'config_app', 'list_app', 'core_app', 'feed_app',
'content_app', 'lib',
'job_app', 'license_app', 'search_app', 'weather_app'],
if is_coverage_testing:
As can be seen above, I included all my apps for testing and excluded where I keep my integration tests.
My settings.py
I dropped using cover package and with-coverage
as this is already handled in manage.py
now. Here is my settings with some explanations:
TEST_RUNNER = 'django_nose.NoseTestSuiteRunner'
# These are global options, trim as needed
# See https://stackoverflow.com/questions/24668174/how-to-test-coverage-properly-with-django-nose
# '--cover-package=client_app', # included in manage.py (hack to include all app testing)
# '--cover-package=config_app',
# '--cover-package=content_app',
# '--cover-package=job_app',
# '--cover-package=lib',
# '--cover-package=license_app',
# '--cover-package=list_app',
# '--cover-package=search_app',
# '--cover-package=core_app',
# '--cover-package=weather_app',
# '--cover-package=feed_app',
# '--with-coverage', # Included in manage.py (hack), do not use here or will create multiple reports
# '--cover-branches', # Lowers coverage
'--cover-html', # generate HTML coverage report
# '--cover-inclusive', # can't get coverage results on most files without this... This breaks django tests.
I run my basic tests like so (with coverage):
./manage.py test --noinput --verbose --with-coverage
And now I can see models.py, admins.py as well as apps.py gets covered.
I run my integration tests like so (without coverage):
./manage.py test integration_tests/itest_* --noinput
I can also run a specific set of tests like so:
./manage.py test --noinput --verbose client_app/tests.py
You can also modify NOSE_ARGS
as you wish or leave it out completely if you intend to use the flags each time on the command line. Cheers!
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I’ve managed to get this working including a
import coverage
on top of my manage.py file (I’m using Flask instead but having the very same issue)
My problem is that it works from console but Jenkins is not aware of it and keeps on saying that those imports are out of the tests…
Any idea?
I had the same problem using a remote interpreter in a virtual machine through the ssh configuration. The solution was to set my tests directory and ALL its parent directories in the “Path mappings” of the “Environment” section of “Run” > “Edit Configurations…”.
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