[Fixed]-How to test authentication using REST Framework JWT?



Okay, the following seems to have solved the issue:

Instead of:

response = self.client.post("/auth/api/authenticated/", {}, Authorization='JWT ' + token)

I had to write:

response = self.client.post("/auth/api/authenticated/", {}, HTTP_AUTHORIZATION='JWT {}'.format(token))

Authentication works now through the Django test client as well.


Also keep in mind that when you create the user, you have to use the hashed version for the password. E.g.:

User(email='TestUser@email.io', password=make_password('TestPassword')))

(Using djangos password hashers)

While when calling /auth/api/get_token/ you have to use the clear case password. E.g.:

response = self.client.post("/auth/api/get_token/", {'email': 'TestUser@email.io', 'password': 'TestPassword'})

Took me a while to find out that the request responded 'non_field_errors': ['Unable to log in with provided credentials.'] because I didn’t use the hasher while creating the user.


It may be helpful to note that, when using JWT via OAuth2, the following code creates the authentication credentials:

self.client.post("/auth/api/authenticated/", {}, HTTP_AUTHORIZATION='Bearer {0}'.format(token))

Django Rest Framework, however, includes scaffolding to authenticate a request:

Additionally, there are some interesting tests here:


Create a basic method:

def create_jwt_token(user) -> str:
    jwt_payload_handler = api_settings.JWT_PAYLOAD_HANDLER
    jwt_encode_handler = api_settings.JWT_ENCODE_HANDLER
    payload = jwt_payload_handler(user)
    token = jwt_encode_handler(payload)
    return 'JWT ' + token

In your test, use it like this:

    def setUpTestData(cls):
        cls.valid_auth_headers = {
            "HTTP_AUTHORIZATION": UserTestUtils.create_jwt_token(cls.user)

def test_valid_accepted_inputs_only(self):
        response = self.client.post(
                "name": 'NewFarmName',
                "age": 2010

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