Rather than working with the data as it comes in, make up your template as if you have the data in whatever format is convenient, then try to write a function to transform the data into that format.
In this case, I wanted to iterate the groups, and have each group contain its teams. I wound up with nested objects.
const axiosPromise = Promise.resolve([{
Group: "A",
Home: "Fc Barcelona",
Away: "Fc Porto",
Score: {
Home: 0,
Away: 0
Group: "A",
Home: "AC Milan",
Away: "Fc Barcelona",
Score: {
Home: 0,
Away: 1
Group: "A",
Home: "FC Barcelona",
Away: "AC Milan",
Score: {
Home: 2,
Away: 0
Group: "B",
Home: "Juventus",
Away: "Real Madrid",
Score: {
Home: 0,
Away: 1
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
groups: {}
mounted() {
axiosPromise.then((results) => this.transformResults(results));
methods: {
transformResults(axiosResults) {
const result = {};
axiosResults.forEach((obj) => {
if (!(obj.Group in result)) {
result[obj.Group] = {};
const g = result[obj.Group];
if (!(obj.Home in g)) {
g[obj.Home] = 0;
if (!(obj.Away in g)) {
g[obj.Away] = 0;
g[obj.Home] += obj.Score.Home;
g[obj.Away] += obj.Score.Away;
this.groups = result;
table {
border-collapse: collapse;
margin: 1rem 0;
outline: thin solid black;
td {
border: thin solid gray;
padding: 0 0.5rem;
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/vue/2.5.17/vue.js"></script>
<div id="app">
<div v-for="(g, name) in groups">
Group: {{name}}
<tr v-for="(points, name) in g">
<template v-if="points > 0">
Here is an example hot to solve your problem (with console.log). Your data contains different names for the same club (Fc Barcelona, FC Barcelona). Use toLowerCase/toUpperCase or other function to normalize your data.
var groupBy = function(xs, key) {
return xs.reduce(function(rv, x) {
(rv[x[key]] = rv[x[key]] || []).push(x);
return rv;
}, {});
const results = [
Home: "FC Barcelona",
Away: "FC Porto",
Score: {
Home: 0,
Away: 0
Home: "AC Milan",
Away: "FC Barcelona",
Score: {
Home: 0,
Away: 1
Home: "FC Barcelona",
Away: "AC Milan",
Score: {
Home: 2,
Away: 0
Home: "Juventus",
Away: "Real Madrid",
Score: {
Home: 0,
Away: 1
const groupGames = groupBy(results, 'Group')
const m = new Map()
for(let key in groupGames) {
const group = groupGames[key]
const results = new Map()
group.forEach(game => {
if (!results.has(game.Home)) {
results.set(game.Home, { pts: 0 })
let home = results.get(game.Home)
if (!results.has(game.Away)) {
results.set(game.Away, { pts: 0 })
let away = results.get(game.Away)
if (game.Score.Home === game.Score.Away) {
home.pts += 1
away.pts += 1
if (game.Score.Home > game.Score.Away) {
home.pts += 3
if (game.Score.Home < game.Score.Away) {
away.pts += 3
m.set(key, results)
m.forEach((value, key) => {
console.log('Group:', key)
value.forEach((v, k) => {
console.log('Club:', k, 'Points:', v.pts)
And output
Group: A
Club: FC Barcelona Points: 7
Club: FC Porto Points: 1
Club: AC Milan Points: 0
Group: B
Club: Juventus Points: 0
Club: Real Madrid Points: 3