[Vuejs]-How to start stopwatch from state time using Vue js


Looks like the issue is that the 10s is not added to the timeBegan. If you subtract the 10 seconds, it should work.

if (state.timeBegan === null) {
  state.timeBegan = new Date() - 10_000;

On a side note, a mutation should be limited to just the mutation

This code is adding and removing interval from within the mutation and goes against how mutations are supposed to work.

    start(state, payload) {
      state.started = setInterval(() => {
      }, 10);
      state.running = true;
    stop(state) {
      state.running = false;
      state.timeStopped = new Date();

And executing a callback from the mutation is also not good. Not that it won’t work, but it’s creating a weird state flow that goes against the principles of how the store works.

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