[Vuejs]-How to split the dev-server.js file in vue to several separated files?



(I think it’s a question about node and express, instead of vue.js)

While express is basically built web app with middleware, I think it’s time to split your logic into different middleware.

So you can put your login logic into a independent .js file as a middleware like:

// login.js

const userAccountList = ['100000', '100001', '100002', '100003']

const loginMiddleware = function (req, res, next) {
  if (userAccountList.indexOf(req.body.account) < 0){
      code: 50000,
      msg: 'the account or the password is not correct, please try again'

module.exports = loginMiddleware;

Then requiring it from your app like:

// app.js

const loginMiddleware = require('./login');

// ...

apiRoutes.post('/user/login', loginMiddleware);

Here is the official express document about how to write your middleware properly: https://expressjs.com/en/guide/using-middleware.html


Maybe check out a module bundler like webpack. It allows you to split code into different bundles which can be loaded together.

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