[Fixed]-How to specify name in Django mail?


You can use

"(MyCompany) Support <no-reply@mycompany.com>"

as the from address in the call to send_mail.


Those solutions are useful if you’re using django’s email package directly. However, i didn’t want to look for a hook to override the way that django-registration uses send_mail so I found the following setting when going through the django files, which lets you set a default from email.

 DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL='(My Company) Support <no-reply@mycompany.com>' 

and it worked!

Figured someone else may find it useful, although i’m not so pretentious as to mark my own answer as correct.


You can use ADMINS and MANAGERS tuples in setting.py. E.g.:

ADMINS = (('Your Name', 'email@company.com),)

And then:

django.core.email.mail_managers('subject', 'body')


DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL='(My Company) Support ‘

Helped me to solve the issue.


Another explicit way is to use the Address

read my other answer here

from email.headerregistry import Address

DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL = Address(display_name="Company Name", addr_spec="info@domain.com")

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