[Vuejs]-How to show README.md in a web page in Laravel?


Here is a Laravel Mix / Webpack solution, convert markdown file to html, and required in Vue.js, then show it with v-html.

First add markdown-loader

yarn add markdown-loader html-loader

Add config in webpack.mix.js, Laravel Mix can add custom config of Webpack.

  module: {
    rules: [{
      test: /\.md$/,
      use: ["html-loader", "markdown-loader"],

Considering README.md is in the root of Project, add a alias in webpack.mix.js

  '@': '/resources/js',
  '@root': '/',

Now we can use a vue component to show the README.md at the root directory.

const readme = require('@root/README.md')
export default {
  data() {
    return {
      readme: ""
  created() {
    this.readme = readme

  <div class="container" ref="container" v-html="readme" />


Since the mail blade templates parse markdown, you can use a similar approach to layout.blade.php which uses Illuminate\Mail\Markdown::parse.

In your template, such as welcome.blade.php, add this:

{{ Illuminate\Mail\Markdown::parse(file_get_contents(base_path() . '/README.md')) }}

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