You can pass data
to slot
and use it when it get replaced by parent
I am not familiar with pug
templates so writing in normal template, hope you able to convert it.
So you will pass your data to slot and when you consume it you just receive it
<template lang="pug">
<slot :data="{ sizeblock, activetab}" />
export default {
name: "mycomponent",
data() {
return {
sizeblock: 0,
activetab: 3
<template v-slot:default="{data}">
nav(:style="{'min-height': data.sizeblock+'px'}")
button(:class="{'active': data.activetab == index") 1
button(:class="{'active': data.activetab == index") 2
button(:class="{'active': data.activetab == index") 3