[Vuejs]-How to show a component in Vue.js when an API condition has been met?


Before accessing the property of the object you can make sure that it has been fetched by adding an additional check as follows:

 <CloudsAnimation v-if="weather && weather.weather[0].main=='Clouds'">

and in data declare it as null first

data () {
    return {
      api_key: '08f1525958fbc6584f628b6dac25a906',
      url_base: 'https://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/',
      query: '',
      weather: null

this checks if it’s null first if it is it doesnt render and if its not null it checks the data.You should put this check on every component or on a wrapping div


As you understand the issue, no need to explain that. I like to keep template free of long if checks and instead use computed properties. So what I would do is to change the if statements to computed properties when there is a long check for null values, so, for example like:

<CloudsAnimation v-if="computedWeather === 'Clouds'"></CloudsAnimation>

<SunAnimation v-else-if="computedWeather === 'Clear'"></SunAnimation>

and then the computed property:

computedWeather: function() {
  return (this.weather && this.weather.weather && this.weather.weather[0] && this.weather.weather[0].main) || null;

As you see that would be a nasty long if check in the template, so I prefer computed.

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