[Vuejs]-How to set overflow-y to bootstrap-vue table's cell or row


Table cells in general can be a pain to apply some stylings to (due to their default display: table-cell)

Based on your first image, it looks like they are using a wrapper element around their cell content (based on the padding present around the outside of the scrollable area).

Use a custom slot for the cell rendering, and wrap your content in a <div> element that has your overflow-y class:

      I am making an assumption that the field you want to scroll is `description`
    <template v-slot:cell(description)="scope">
      <div class="my-cell-overflow-y">
        {{ scope.value }}

  .my-cell-overflow-y: {
    max-height: 2rem;
    overflow-y: auto

See https://bootstrap-vue.js.org/docs/components/table#custom-data-rendering for details on custom data cell rendering.


Hi simple solution is to make it display:inline-block;

add the below css to it

.tbsearch > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(4){
 height: 65px;
 overflow: auto;
 display: inline-block;

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