You can write custom middleware to achieve your goal as you have many views and of course you can not update every view. The custom middleware would be something like this:
class MyCookieProcessingMiddleware(object):
# your desired cookie will be available in every django view
def process_request(self, request):
# will only add cookie if request does not have it already
if not request.COOKIES.get('your_desired_cookie'):
request.COOKIES['set_your_desired_cookie'] = 'value_for_desired_cookie'
# your desired cookie will be available in every HttpResponse parser like browser but not in django view
def process_response(self, request, response):
if not request.COOKIES.get('your_desired_cookie'):
response.set_cookie('set_your_desired_cookie', 'value_for_desired_cookie')
return response
In your settings.py
file, just add the path to your custom middleware like this:
'MyProject.myapp.mymodule.MyCookieProcessingMiddleware', # path to custom class
The order of middleware is important and yours belongs after SessionMiddleware.
What I understood is that, you want to set the cookie once and then want to check itβs value in any view. If this is your problem then you can save cookie once in views like this:
from project.settings import IS_COOKIE_SET # Set Global value for cookie
response = render_to_response("your-template.html")
response.set_cookie('key', 'value')
return response
return response
You can check the value of cookie in any other view like this:
request.COOKIES.get('key', None) # Return None If cookie not exists