Django serializers can only serialize queryset, values()
does not return queryset rather ValuesQuerySet
object. So, avoid using values()
. Rather, specifiy the fields you wish to use in values()
, in the serialize method as follows:
Look at this SO question for example
objectQuerySet = ConventionCard.objects.filter(ownerUser = user)
data = serializers.serialize('json', list(objectQuerySet), fields=('fileName','id'))
Instead of using objectQuerySet.values('fileName','id')
, specify those fields using the fields
parameter of serializers.serialize()
as shown above.
As other people have said, Django’s serializers can’t handle a ValuesQuerySet. However, you can serialize by using a standard json.dumps()
and transforming your ValuesQuerySet to a list by using list()
. If your set includes Django fields such as Decimals, you will need to pass in DjangoJSONEncoder. Thus:
import json
from django.core.serializers.json import DjangoJSONEncoder
queryset = myModel.objects.filter(foo_icontains=bar).values('f1', 'f2', 'f3')
serialized_q = json.dumps(list(queryset), cls=DjangoJSONEncoder)
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Make list from objectQuerySet:
data_ready_for_json = list( ConventionCard.objects.filter(ownerUser = user).values('fileName','id') )
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My solution, It’s work fine
from django.core.serializers import serialize
import json
permission_list = Permission.objects.all().order_by('-id')
permission_serialize= json.loads(serialize('json', permission_list))
return JsonResponse({'data': permission_serialize})
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Just cast to dict every item and create json with json.dumps:
json.dumps([dict(item) for item in SomeModel.objects.all().values('id', 'title')])
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Try this:
queryset = myModel.objects.filter(foo_icontains=bar)
serialized_q = serializers.serialize(queryset, many = True)
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