How To Select Only Cells With Data In Excel Vba

In Excel VBA, you can select only cells with data by using the Range object and the SpecialCells method. The SpecialCells method allows you to specify the type of cells you want to select, such as cells with constants or cells with formulas.

Here is an example of how to select only cells with data in Excel VBA:

        Sub SelectCellsWithData()
            Dim ws As Worksheet
            Dim rng As Range
            ' Set the worksheet
            Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1")
            ' Set the range to the used range of the worksheet
            Set rng = ws.UsedRange
            ' Select only the cells with data
        End Sub

In this example, we first set the worksheet using the ThisWorkbook object and the Worksheets property. We then set the range to the used range of the worksheet using the UsedRange property.

Finally, we use the SpecialCells method with the xlCellTypeConstants argument to select only the cells with constants (i.e., cells with data) in the range.

Note that the xlCellTypeConstants argument selects cells with any type of constant value, such as numbers, text, or dates. If you only want to select cells with numerical values, you can use the xlCellTypeFormulas argument instead.

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