How To Select Entire Row In Excel Vba

To select an entire row in Excel VBA, you can use the “Rows” property of the “Range” object. Here is an explanation with examples:

Example 1:

      ' Selecting the entire row using row number

In this example, the code will select the first row in the active worksheet.

Example 2:

      ' Selecting the entire row using a range variable
      Dim rng As Range
      Set rng = Range("A2")

In this example, the code will select the entire row containing the cell A2. You can change the cell reference as per your requirement.

Example 3:

      ' Selecting multiple rows using a range variable
      Dim rng As Range
      Set rng = Range("A2:A5")

In this example, the code will select the entire rows from 2 to 5 (rows A2 to A5) in the active worksheet.

These examples demonstrate different ways to select entire rows in Excel VBA. You can adjust the code according to your specific requirements.

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