[Fixed]-How to search in django models if some fields are not required


Well, I have a really ridicules situation. In my model I make some fields blank=True and forgot to do makemigrations! So don’t forget to make migrations


Following is usually handy when you have to build filters from long list of form data.

import operator
from django.db.models import Q
filter_list = [Q(name=name)]
if surname:

YourModel.objects.filter(reduce(operator.and_, filter_list))


You can build a QS in parts:

def you_view(request, name, surname):
    # ... Get you filter parameters, just an example.
    qs = MyModel.objects.filter(name=name)
    if surname:
        qs = qs.filter(surname=surname)
    # work with qs

This will filter by surname only if there is a surname variable in your view.


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