[Vuejs]-How to run component's method via HTML in Vue2


You don’t need to manipulate DOM in Vue js for such trivial case, just add all you want to template and remove getInfo method, example:


       <b>Servicename:</b> <br>
       {{ service.name }}<br>
       <b>Another Field:</b> <br>
       {{ service.anotherField }}<br>
       <b>Another Field 2 :</b> <br>
       {{ service.anotherField2 }}<br>

OR if you really want to work with html do this:


     <p v-html="getInfo(service)"/>      


 export default {
    data: function () {
       return {
         services: this.$store.state.Services.data
    methods: {
      getInfo: function (service) {
          if (!service) return '';
          var info = '<b>Servicename:</b> <br>';
          info += service.name;

          ... (method adds more to 'info' here)

          return info;

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