Does this work?
from collections import Counter
results = Counter([vid for vid, eid in ActiveVenue.objects.values_list("venue_id", "event_id").distinct()]
See if something like this works
ActiveVenue.objects.all().annotate(score=Count('event__user', distinct=True)).order_by('-score')
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This is my version (finish test):
class Venue(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=200)
def __unicode__(self):
return self.name
def ranking(self):
actives = ActiveVenue.objects.filter(
'event__user__username', 'venue__name').distinct()
for active in actives:
count += 1
return count
def getRanking( anObject ):
return anObject.ranking()
def myview(request):
venues = list(Venue.objects.filter())
venues.sort(key=getRanking, reverse=True)
return render(request,'page.html',{'venues': venues})
{% for venue in venues %}
{{forloop.counter}}. {{venue}}<br/>
{% endfor %}
- The Oaks
- The Pound
- The Hill
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Here is my take on the problem. First, here is a query that will grab the Venue ids and the scores corresponding to the related users.
testquery = ActiveVenue.objects.values("venue").annotate(score=Count("event__user", distinct=True)).order_by("-score")
[{'score': 3, 'venue': 2}, {'score': 2, 'venue': 3}, {'score': 1, 'venue': 1}]
Next, the venue ids will be placed in a new list.
query_ids = [item["venue"] for item in testquery]
[2, 3, 1]
Next, the corresponding Venue objects have to be obtained.
tempresult = Venue.objects.filter(id__in=query_ids)
[<Venue: The Hill>, <Venue: The Oaks>, <Venue: The Pound>
Finally, a list comprehension will be performed to re-order the Venue objects based on the scores obtained earlier.
result = [venue for venue_id in query_ids for venue in tempresult if venue_id == venue.id]
[<Venue: The Oaks>, <Venue: The Pound>, <Venue: The Hill>]
This gives the proper result based on the test data.
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