[Answer]-How to retrieve django db info


Acutally, example is an instance of django.db.models.query.ValuesQuerySet, not just a simple list, it’s a queryset

Because of example is a query set, you can use query set method, do whatever you want.The django queryset document is helpful.

you can traverse example variable like this:

for item in example:

As you declare in you model, your example may like this:

example = [  
             {'Clients':'clients data','Equipos':'equipos data'},
             {'Clients':'clients data','Equipos':'equipos data'}

I don’t recommend you to convert your example to list type, if you do this, you can not use the powerfull django query set method.Django queryset method is more powerful than a python native list.


example = models.object.values()

example will be a kind of iterator of dicts where keys are the field names of a model. To make it a list of dicts just do:

example = list(models.object.values())

So example will look something like this:

    {'id': 1, 'Clientes': 'some clientes', 'Equipos': 'some equipos'},
    {'id': 2, 'Clientes': 'anoter clientes', 'Equipos': 'another equipos'}

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