[Solved]-How to render django form field in template


Ok So I think I have found a way to correctly render separate form fields. I found it watching django sources. Django.forms.forms.BaseForm class has _html_output method which creates an instance of Django.forms.forms.BoundField and then adds unicode(boundField) to the html output. I did the exact same thing and it worked perfectly:

#in templatetags/user_list_tags.py
from django import template
from django import forms
register = template.Library()

#this is djangp template tag for user selection form
def user_select_field(form, userid):
    returns UserSelectionForm field for a user with userid
    key = str(userid)
    if key not in form.fields.keys():
        print 'Key %s not found in dict' % key
        return None
    #here i use BoundField:
    boundField = forms.forms.BoundField(form, form.fields[key], key)
    return unicode(boundField)

That generated the same html as {{form.as_p}}, so the POST request will look exactly the same and form will be processed correctly.

I also fixed some mistakes in my form class:

#in UserSelectionForm definition:
for f in userlist:
    self.fields[str(f.id)] = forms.BooleanField(initial=False, required=False) 
return filter(lambda u: self.cleaned_data[str(u.id)],

That now seems to work as I planned, without any javascript.


You’re making the template far too complicated. Add a label to each field when you create it in the form’s __init__ method.

for f in userlist:
    self.fields[str(f.id)] = forms.BooleanField(label=f.username, initial=False)

Then just loop over the fields in the form and don’t worry about the userlist anymore.

{% for field in form %}
    <td>{{ field.label_tag }}</td>
    <td>{{ field }}</td>
{% endfor %}

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