[Answered ]-How to render django-allauth templates



You are missing a few thing:


After that add a line with


If it still does not work when you put these in there might be an issue with the order which apps are loaded.

Allauth also comes with its own login, logout and change passwords see here

If you are switching out templates you can put the allauth templates in by using tags like:

{% url 'account_login' %} <!-- Sign In-->

and if you need check if users have signed in you can used an if statement

{% if user.is_active %} <!-- checks if user signed in-->
<!-- Insert code here that appears if signed in-->
{% else%}
<!-- Insert code here to display for users that did not sign in-->
{% endif%}

Lastly the templates can be found here if you need to style them. But you need to create an accounts folder and place them in there to override the default ones.

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