[Django]-How to remove white space from html source code


You can use the spaceless template tag. It:

Removes whitespace between HTML tags.

{% spaceless %}
    <a href="foo/">Foo</a>
{% endspaceless %}


  1. Look toward middelware, eg “htmlmin”. It processes the file at a time. In addition it has a decorator.

  2. gzip will give the same effect. Probably would have cost to opt out of trimming.
    Look towards django middelware or nginx gzip.

  3. You use the controller/model logic in the template. This is wrong way.


I used custom helper function with stripping. Here is a an example I used too: https://web.archive.org/web/20140729182917/http://cramer.io/2008/12/01/spaceless-html-in-django/


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