You can use ref, you can define ref in every added component. The ref is array. you can refrence component through index of the ref.
for example;<div v-for="(item) in arr" :key="item.id"> <span ref="testRef"> item.name </span> </div>
, you can use ‘this.$refs.testRef[index]’ find component which you want.
There are multiple options. For instance, in your v-for
loop you can get the index this way: (official docs)
<div v-for="(item, index) in myList" :key="index">
{{ item.name }}
You could then for example use the index in a ref to access the element for the script.
Another option is to pass the event instance to the onclick listener with the special keyword $event
, and use this to get the element:
<div ... @click="myFunction($event)">
{{ item.name }}
And then in your script
myFunction(ev) {
// do something with the element that was clicked on
However, a more ‘vue’ way would be to not mess with the elements, but only manipulate the underlying data and let vue worry about representing the data with elements on your page. For instance, you could make your squares be represented by a list of objects, containing their own data own the state (opened or closed). So in your script you have:
data() {
return {
squares: [
{ color: "ff0000", opened: true },
And in your template something like
v-for="square in squares"
@click="square.opened = false"
> ...