Yes, it is possible. But you will need to make a series of Array.map()
to achieve this.
const results = [{
dataSets: {
One: {
label: "testLabel",
labels: "test",
data: ["10", "58"]
chart: [{
key: "test",
label: "chart-1",
chartType: "bar",
order: "1",
dataSets: [{
style: "line",
key: "One"
const modifiedResult = results.map(result => {
const outerDataSets = result.dataSets;
result.chart = result.chart.map(chart =>
chart.dataSets.map(innerDataSet => ({
return result;
Also if you are working with Vue, I think its best to put the modification of result
on the computed so it will always try to add those dataSets
additional data to the chart’s dataSets.