Simple is better than complex
def index(request, movie_id):
rating = Rating.objects.filter(movie_id=movie_id).order_by('-score').first()
return HttpResponse(rating)
The problem with this solution is that two users could have added the same maximum value, and that is the reason why you should not and cannot use the get
If you need to access the movie or user object from the template, then you must:
<div class="user">{{ rating.user.get_full_name }}</div>
<div class="movie">{{ rating.movie.title }}</div>
<div class="score">{{ rating.score }}</div>
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You Can get max rating of a particular movie by Rating model
def index(request, movie_id):
movie = Rating.objects.filter(movie_id=movie_id).order_by('-rating')
return HttpResponse(movie.first())
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