[Django]-How to properly setup custom handler404 in django?


As we discussed, your setup is correct, but in settings.py you should make DEBUG=False. It’s more of a production feature and won’t work in development environment(unless you have DEBUG=False in dev machine of course).


All the other answers were not up to date. Here’s what worked for me in Django 3.1:


from django.conf.urls import handler404, handler500, handler403, handler400
from your_app_name import views

handler404 = views.error_404
handler500 = views.error_500


def error_404(request, exception):
   context = {}
   return render(request,'admin/404.html', context)

def error_500(request):
   context = {}
   return render(request,'admin/500.html', context)

Note, you will have to edit this code to reflect your app name in the import statement in urls.py and the path to your html templates in views.py.



Debug should be False and add to view *args and **kwargs. Add to urls.py handler404 = 'view_404'

def view_404(request, *args, **kwargs):
return redirect('https://your-site/404')

If I didn’t add args and kwargs server get 500.


To render 404 Error responses on a custom page, do the following:

In your project directory open settings.py and modify DEBUG as follows:

    DEBUG = False

In the same directory create a file and name it views.py, insert the following code:

   from django.shortcuts import render

   def handler404(request, exception):
       return render(request, 'shop/shop.html')

Finally open urls.py file which is in the same project directory and add the following code:

   from django.contrib import admin
   from . import views

   handler404 = views.handler404

   urlpatterns = [
      path('admin/', admin.site.urls),

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