[Django]-How to properly handle an aborted HTTP request in Django


In django 1.3 and up, you can use a logging filter class to suppress the exceptions which you aren’t interested in. Here’s the logging filter class I’m using to narrowly suppress IOError exceptions raised from _get_raw_post_data():

import sys, traceback
class _SuppressUnreadablePost(object):
    def filter(self, record):
        _, exception, tb = sys.exc_info()
        if isinstance(exception, IOError):
            for _, _, function, _ in traceback.extract_tb(tb):
                if function == '_get_raw_post_data':
                    return False
        return True

In Django 1.4, you will be able to do away with most of the complexity and suppress the new exception class UnreadablePostError. (See this patch).



The best way to do it would be to use a custom middleware class that implements process_exception() to return a custom HTTP response, say a rendered errors/request_aborted.html template, if an IOException is caught.


Raven now connects itself to the got_request_exception() signal to catch unhandled exceptions, bypassing the logging system entirely, so the solution proposed by dlowe does not work anymore.

However raven looks for a skip_sentry attribute on the exception instance, so you can use a middleware to set it on the errors you want to ignore:

import sys
import traceback

class FilterPostErrorsMiddleware(object):
    A middleware that prevents unreadable POST errors to reach Sentry.

    def process_exception(self, request, exception):
        if isinstance(exception, IOError):
            tb = sys.exc_info()[2]
            for _, _, function, _ in traceback.extract_tb(tb):
                if function == '_get_raw_post_data':
                    exception.skip_sentry = True

Note: you have to use a recent version of raven (e.g. 1.8.4), as previous versions mistakenly checked for the skip_sentry attribute on the exception type rather than instance.


If you want to ignore the IOError, then just let it be. You don’t need to catch it. If you absolutely must catch it, you can do what @Filip Dupanović suggested, and maybe return a django.http.HttpResponseServerError to set the response code to 500.

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