You can loop over a query set, and each element is a single object, so something like:
starnames = [ n.username+"*" for n in results]
play with it at the Django shell.
JSON format? oh someone else can do that!
class ProcessQuerySet(object):
A control that allow to add extra attributes for each object inside queryset.
def process_queryset(self, queryset):
""" queryset is a QuerySet or iterable object. """
return map(self.extra, queryset) # Using map instead list you can save memory.
def extra(self, obj):
""" Hook method to add extra attributes to each object inside queryset. """
current_user = self.request.user # You can use `self` to access current view object
obj.username += '*'
return obj
class YourView(ProcessQuerySet, AnyDjangoGenericView):
def get_queryset(self):
queryset = SomeModel.objects.all()
return self.process_queryset(queryset)
About JSON Response: Django Docs
- [Django]-Good practice to make Django forms.py DRY
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