I would like to know what kind of scripts you are using to make this work, I feel like you are using bootstrap, if that is correct, I would first recommend moving this to bootstrap vue rather than this. Nevertheless, I hope this helps if you don’t feel like switching.
You are using an anchor tag and passing it an id like this
<a href="#my-div">content</a>
In browsers, this usually scrolls you to the div that has the ID. I would recommend adding preventDefault() to all click events on these anchor tags, you can either do this by adding a click function to all anchor tags using vue like this
<a href="#my-div" @click.prevent>content</a> // this automatically prevents click event
// or
<a href="#my-div" @click="myFunction">content</a>
// or in case you want vue to automatically remove click events but add custom functions
<a href="#my-div" @click.prevent="otherFunction">content</a> // this automatically prevents click event
export default {
...other stuff
methods: {
myFunction(e) {
though not preferred you may try to prevent this events manually without going through vue, this can be done in the mounted hook
again I would not recommend using this and sticking to vue’s own @click event handler
export default {
mounted() {
const parent = document.getElementById("id-of-parent-div-that-has-all-anchor-tags") //this is done so you don't mess up anchor tags outside this div
parent.querySelectorAll("a").forEach((anchor) => {
anchor.onclick= (e) => e.preventDefault();
- [Vuejs]-How to call method with parameters inside, from an html element with v-bind:class in Vue.js?