[Answer]-How to present data from django-cms custom plugin in template


I think you just need:


Since you have a ForeignKey in the InstallationStep model class, django puts the _set method into the referenced class.

You can experiment with this in the django shell. Templates will fail silently if you try doing foo.bar and there’s no bar in foo…


According to the doc, you also need to modify the copy_relations method in the model. If not, the models won’t be copied when you publish the draft and won’t see anything. I don’t understand how you manage to make it work.

In your case would be something like these:

class ProductPlugin(CMSPlugin):
    product = models.ForeignKey(ProductDescription)

    def copy_relations(self, oldinstance):
        for associated_item in oldinstance.InstallationStep_set.all():
            # instance.pk = None; instance.pk.save() is the slightly odd but
            # standard Django way of copying a saved model instance
            associated_item.pk = None
            associated_item.plugin = self


Not sure about the InstallationStep_set on the for because I usually use the related_name parameter in the ForeignKey fields. For example,

class InstallationStep(models.Model):
    product = models.ForeignKey(ProductDescription, related_name='installationsteps')

and your for would be:

for associated_item in oldinstance.installationsteps.all():

In any case, thanks for the question because it became my guide.

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