[Django]-How to pass variables to login page in django 1?


Update: let me make it clear that I personally think you should write your own login view if you want to influence the context, namely because it’s so simple (you can copy and paste the ~20 lines to your own view).

Since what I like to do on stackoverflow is find a way around anyways, here’s a hacky alternative:

If you want to use the built in admin page the only method I see is to attach properties to AuthenticationForm.

Here’s django.contrib.auth.views.login:

def login(request, template_name='registration/login.html',
    return render_to_response(template_name, {
        'form': form,
        redirect_field_name: redirect_to,
        'site': current_site,
        'site_name': current_site.name,
    }, context_instance=RequestContext(request))

The only place we can ‘hitch a ride’ into the login template while positively not affecting anything else is through AuthenticationForm.

from django.contrib.auth.forms import AuthenticationForm

AuthenticationForm.foobar = 'Hello'
(r'^accounts/login/$', 'django.contrib.auth.views.login', \

# template
{{ form.foobar }}

Another alternative is to use a context processor, which injects variables into every view that uses RequestContext. Use this if your variable has some use in other templates as well.


One solution is to use extra_context parameter (Django 1.3 and newer).

from django.contrib.auth.views import login
return login(request, template_name, extra_context={

See these similar questions and answers:

And the original feature ticket:


For clarity (I commented on Akseli’s answer) another solution is to pass the extra template variables directly along from url.conf via the extra_context key:

# url.conf -- this example from older django versions refer to docs
from django.contrib.auth.views import login

urlpatterns = patterns('', 
            'template_name': 'login.html', 
            'extra_context': {
                # Your extra variables here as key value pairs.
                'title': 'My Page | Log In'
... # other patterns


Like Akseli said, use extra_context, but pass the extra context as part of the context:

def login(...):

    some_var = some_var.objects.all()
    extra_context = {'some_var': some_var,}

    if extra_context is not None:

    return TemplateResponse(request, template_name, context, current_app=current_app)


you can add your custom attribute to the request which is available in the template i.e.

request.my_params = {

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