[Django]-How to pass multi optional URL parameters in django?



If myyear is a sequence of digits, and mycolor is a equence of non-digits, you can use

urlpatterns = [
    re_path(r'^products/((?P<my_color>\D+)/)?(?P<my_year>\d+)$', some_view),

this will pass an empty string for the corresponding elements if the my_color or my_year are not present. You thus can write a view that looks like:

def some_view(request, my_color, my_year):
    if my_color:
        # โ€ฆ
    if my_year:
        # โ€ฆ

If both have the same sequence of characters, this is not possible, since how would you interpret products/bla? Is bla the color, or the year?

That being said, I think you make it too complicated. You can define four patterns, for example:

urlpatterns = [
    path(r'^products/', some_view),
    path(r'^products/<str:color>/<int:year>/', some_view),

Here you thus define four views for the same view. The view can then define optional parameter:

def some_view(request, color=None, year=None):
    # โ€ฆ

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