You can use props.
<component-1 v-bind:message="mydata"></component-1>
Then in your child component (directly from the docs):
Vue.component('component-1', {
// declare the props
props: ['message'],
// just like data, the prop can be used inside templates
// and is also made available in the vm as this.message
template: '<span>{{ message }}</span>'
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Rather than using props (which might mean you have to pass around those props a lot) you can access variables using $parent (or $root)
Vue.component('component-1', {
computed: {
message: function(){
// this is how to access the variable inside the component code
return this.$parent.message;
// and because of using computed, access it inside the template
template: '<span>{{ message }}</span>'
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You just importing some not inherited components, so you can’t share data like that.
Add components into components field in parent component like here:
Then in child components you can use this.$parent. And this.$parent.mydata in your example
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