[Answered ]-How to override password_change error messages in django?


In django-speak, what you’re referring to as the view is the template. It’s rather confusing!

Update: I see that you define a clean_password2 function but you are checking for fields called new_password1, new_password2.

Unless you have a field called password2, that is the field that your clean method is validating.

The messages for clean_password2 are generated in {{ form.password2.errors }}, but to me, it sounds like you don’t have a field called password2.

Change the name of your method to clean_new_password2.

{% if form.new_password1.errors %}{{ form.new_password1.errors }}{% endif %} 
{% if form.new_password2.errors %}{{ form.new_password2.errors }}{% endif %}

Form field cleaning works per field.. you access the errors off the field object.


Like @Yuji said, use {% if form.non_field_errors %} in your template.

Now just a bit on usability. Concerning the user registration and password change form, the only non-field errors your can expect will be mismatching passwords, so unlike other forms where your going to print the non-field errors at the very beginning, for these forms it makes sense to print the one non-field error before the two password input fields, possibly wrapping them in a parent that has a red background, to make it more obvious that the values of the two fields are related and that the error concerns the two fields, not the form in general.

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