This is a pretty complex sort. I’m going to take a stab at a solution. You definitely need to do some raw sql, so I am going to use PostGres for an example. First, you need to add a column in the query to do the sorting on. Then, just sort on that column. This is my example:
select={'sort': 'CASE WHEN name LIKE %s THEN 0 ELSE array_length(string_to_array(name, ','), 1) + 1 END',
select_params=['%' + requestedLanguage + '%']
A few things to note:
- If the requestedLanguage is in the languages_available comma separated languages, that
will be ordered first. (order 0) - Next, everything else will be sorted by the count of the languages_available.
- As for the third sort you requested, I’m not sure what you want exactly. I’m confused because the field is actually a list of languages.
- I think it might be easier to sort if the languages_available was a manytomany field to another table of languages.
- Finally, I’m not sure if you can use
on a column that was created in.extra()
you might need to use a.raw()
I’m not sure if this will work for you at all, but hopefully it will push you in the right direction.