How to Optimization Images in WordPress For Better Performance?

Image optimization is a very important factor for any blog or website as Image Optimization improves your website performance and ranking of image search in Google.

If you are looking for an article to properly optimize your blog image, then you are in the right place.
I am going to tell you all the processes that I use to optimize the image on my blog.

Why should one do image optimization?

There are many reasons to optimize the image. If your blog post images are large, then it will slow down your web pages and will have a bad effect on the user experience. In Image Optimization, the file size is reduced and the page load time is made fast.

Apart from this, the images used in the article also improve the SEO score. If you use the correct name (Rename) and Alt tag for your image, it makes your article more SEO friendly.

If you optimize the images of your site correctly, then your images will perform better in search engines (images search).

Use Right Images for Blog

Every website owner or blogger uses images for their site or blog. If you need images for your article, then you cannot use Google Images because those images can be copyright protected.

Many websites in the market offer free stock images. You can use a website that gives images for free and is related to your article.

There are websites like Pixabay, Pexels, etc. that provide stock images for free. Apart from this, you can easily get high-quality and professional images on Shutterstock by spending some money.

You can use free sites or paid sites to find the right image for your site, but never use Google Images.

And even better if you can make custom images for your blog. There are many websites for making custom images. for that purpose Canva, PicMonkey is very popular. With their help, you can easily create a custom image for your site.

Canva is a very popular platform. With its help, non-designers can also easily create draw custom images.

When you do not get the related image for your article from the stock images site, then you can use the site that makes custom images.

How to do Images Optimization for Search Engines?

1. Choose Right File Name for Image

Before uploading new images in your article, be sure to use the proper name. Many bloggers do not pay attention to the image file name.

Use a keyword-rich name for your images. It helps you to get a higher ranking in Image Search Result. Proper Rename makes your readers as well as search engines friendly. Also, be sure to use Spaces in the image file name.

2. Focus on the size and compression of the image

If you do not pay attention to image size and compression while uploading the image, then it directly affects your website loading speed. You should not use big images for your article. This increases your server load and as a result, slows down your site. And as we all know Google is using website loading speed as a ranking factor.

Image size

It depends on your theme and article. However, the content area of   most blog themes varies from 600- 700px. So, you can use the image dimension as per your theme.

Also, if you download stock images for your article, it is very important to resize them as their dimensions are very high.If you upload these images in your article without resizing, then you are on the wrong track.

Reason: When your article is loaded in the browser, the images will load in the original size and dimension. As a result, your site’s load time will high.

To resize the image you can use a plugin or online website such as –, ,Bulkresizephotos, EWWW Image Optimizer, ShortPixel Image Optimizer, etc.

Image Compression

If you use high-quality stock images in your article, it can put a lot of load on your server. As we know that the size of the high-quality image is also very high.

Try to keep the size of your image within 100kb. If the image size is above 100kb or in MB slow down your blog speed. Always resize such images and upload them with the correct dimension. has a lot of image optimizer plugin that can help resize and compress your images. Don’t worry about them, we are going to tell you below.

3. Use ALT Text

ALT Text makes your image SEO friendly and it belongs to on-page SEO. In simple words, it tells the search engine what your image is about.

If you do not use ALT text for your images, you are losing a lot of traffic from search engines. Search engines like Google cannot read images. Using the alt text, he searches the best image for the visitor. So make sure to add ALT text to your images to make the article completely SEO FRIENDLY.

As you understand the benefits and importance of ALT Text. But what should be used for the image’s ALT Text?

Use your keyword for ALT text. This can help you get a better rank in an image search result. Also, you should keep in mind one thing, your ALT text should be related to your article, otherwise, it is not important.

Therefore proper ALT Text improves your image ranking and there is a possibility that your image appears first in the search result.

When you upload an image in your WordPress post editor, you can easily add ALT Text to your image. You can see it in the screenshot below.

4. Remove Hyperlink from Images

When you upload an image for your article, WordPress will automatically add a source code for the image location. Its biggest drawback, it distracts the reader.
When a reader reads the article and is accidentally clicked on the image, the reader will be redirected to the image location and the reader may not want to read your article again.
So it is good to remove Hyperlink from the image. It does not make any impact on SEO.
When you upload the image, you will see the Link option under the Attachment Display Setting on the right side. You just have to select None from the drop-down menu. The hyperlink will automatically remove. You can see in the screenshot.

5. Image Format – JPEG, PNG OR GIF?

There are many types of images format such as JPEG (JPG), PNG OR GIF, and most of these we use JPEG format.
JPEG (JPG) Format – JPG is a lossy compressed file format. It is a highly used image format and is best for photography.
PNG Format –  It is best for line drawing, text, iconic graphics. If you edit or resize it more than once, then there is no difference in its quality.
GIF Format – This is a kind of animation image and supports various resolutions and colors. It is also a very popular format used worldwide.
These three image formats are very popular and the best image format. But I would recommend you use the JPG image format in the article. They are smaller in size and load faster.

6. Create an Image Sitemap

A sitemap is very important for any site and especially it becomes even more important when your blog or website is new. The sitemap does not boost your ranking but helps search engines crawl and index your site better.
If you use a lot of images in your blog, then you must submit a sitemap for your image. This helps your image to be indexed and crawled better in search engines. Creating an image sitemap is very easy and for this, you can use the Yoast SEO plugin.

7. Best Image Optimizer Plugin for WordPress site

With the help of the Image optimizer plugin, you can easily compress and optimize the image on your site. Here I am going to share the list of Image optimizer plugin.

1. SEO Image Optimizer

SEO Image Optimizer is a very good WordPress plugin that makes your image SEO friendly. This plugin adds title and alt tags to your images without affecting your site’s database. Apart from this, the plugin also resizes and compresses images and increases the loading speed of your site. 

2. ShortPixel Image Optimizer

ShortPixel is a very nice and lightweight Image Optimizer plugin which improves your website page load time by optimizing (compressing) images or PDF document.

3. EWWW Image Optimizer

EWWW Image Optimizer is a  well-rated image optimizer plugin. This plugin automatically optimizes uploaded new images. Also optimizes your old uploaded images. The plugin also allows you to select the compression level and uploaded images to the best file format.

4. Smush Image Compression and Optimization

WP Smush is the most popular image optimizer plugin for WordPress site. When you upload images to your site, it automatically compresses the size of the image. With its help, you can also compress and optimize your old images.
In the free version, you can optimize only 50 images at a time. So, you have to click on the optimize button again and again.

5. Compress JPEG & PNG Images

First of all, you have to create an account on it. You can optimize only 100 images in a month with a free account. When you upload images to your site, it will automatically compress it. For older images, you can use bulk optimize.
All Above plugins optimize your images by reducing their size without affecting the image quality of your post.

Final Word

if You publish very good articles on your blog but Ignore Images Optimization, you are doing absolutely wrong. You are losing the image traffic. By optimizing the image, you can improve both your website traffic and ranking.
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