Alright, i found a solution, works pretty good.
Instead of using myModal.show() i used myModal.toggle("anime-card-modal-" + animeID) and the else statement is not needed in the event method:
async checkAnimeListForRelated(animeID) {
if (!this.animeList.filter((anime) => anime.id === animeID).length > 0) {
const res = await axios.get("/api/anime", {
params: { id: animeID },
if (res.data.data.length > 0) {
console.log("added to list");
this.$parent.$nextTick(() => {
const myModal = new Modal(
document.getElementById("anime-card-modal-" + animeID)
myModal.toggle("anime-card-modal-" + animeID) <---------------
// Add the anime to the list
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