For request, I would use RequestFactory included with Django.
from django.test.client import RequestFactory
rf = RequestFactory()
get_request = rf.get('/hello/')
post_request = rf.post('/submit/', {'foo': 'bar'})
for users, I would use django.contrib.auth.models.User as @ozan suggested and maybe with factory boy for speed (with factory boy you can choose to not to save to DB)
How do you mock users?
Initialise a django.contrib.auth.models.User
object. User.objects.create_user
makes this easy.
How do you mock requests?
Initialise a django.http.HttpRequest
Of course, there are shortcuts depending on what you want to do. If you just need an object with a user
attribute that points to a user, simply create something (anything) and give it that attribute.
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You can either roll your own mocks, as Anurag Uniyal has suggested, or you can use a mocking framework.
In response to those saying you can just create an ordinary user as you would anyway in Django… I would suggest this defeats the point of the unit test. A unit test shouldn’t touch the database, but by creating a user, you’ve changed the database, hence why we would want to mock one.
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Read about mock objects here
And use this python lib to mock a user
else you can write a simple User class yourself, use this as a starting point
class MockUser(object):
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self
def __getattr__(Self, name):
return self
add specfic cases etc etc
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You don’t need to mock Users, as you can just create one within your test – the database is destroyed after the test is finished.
To mock requests, use this snippet from Simon Willison.
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There are already a lot of good general answers. Here is a simple mock user used in tests involving admin forms:
class MockUser:
is_active = True
is_staff = True
def has_perm(self, *args):
return True
from django.test.client import RequestFactory
request = RequestFactory().get("/some/url")
request.user = MockUser()
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