You can use monkeypatch to mock functions. Here is an example if it helps you.
def db_entry():
return True
def add_num(x, y):
return x + y
def get_status(x, y):
if add_num(x, y) > 5 and db_entry() is True:
return True
return False
def test_get_stats(monkeypatch):
assert get_status(3, 3)
monkeypatch.setattr("pytest_fun.db_entry", lambda: False)
assert not get_status(3, 3)
As you can see before doing the second assertion i am mocking the value of db_entry
function to return false. You can use monkeypatch to mock the function to return nothing if you want by using lambda like lambda: None
I am not sure what your db_entry function does but say it is doing some db query and returning list of results you can mock that also using lambda by returning lambda: ["foobar"]