[Vuejs]-How to load "child.vue" into the proper "parent.vue" position


But where is your css code?

I do not know if i understand it right, but if you want to #links and #rechts next to each other you can make it by flex for example.

.page-main-content{display: flex;}
#links{flex: 0 0 70%;}
#rechts{flex: 0 0 30%;}


I tried a couple of times before it worked and it actually solved it, I don’t really understand why though? The flex now pushed the children inside the page1 into the page-main-content.

I do understand that this is way more handy than what I did (code the size of the component into itself) but the components were next to each ohter before so what the flex did is force the children to render inside the parent instead of below/after it.

So thanks, problem solved.

If sbd. knows a short answer, I’m still interested into why that is though.

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