[Django]-How to launch your already made Django App on Heroku


DIRECTLY FROM THE DIRECTIONS https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/django, once again if you read the directions and follow them you will have executed:

$pip install Django psycopg2 dj-database-url

Database settings

Next, configure the application to use Heroku’s Postgres database. The installed dj-database-url module will do everything automatically from the env.

Add the following to your settings.py:

import dj_database_url
DATABASES = {'default': dj_database_url.config(default='postgres://localhost')}

You can add these lines at the end of your settings.py to continue to use sql lite locally and only postgres on heroku.

import dj_database_url
import os
if os.getcwd() == "/app":
    DATABASES = {'default': dj_database_url.config(default='postgres://localhost')}


The heroku/django deployment tutorial you have linked is still your best bet. I just deployed an existing app following through that tutorial, and skipping steps I had already done, such as:

virtualenv venv --distribute
django-admin.py startapp...
manage.py syncdb...
git init

Basically if you have already done this for your existing app DRY!

I don’t see a requirements.txt in your folder structure above so make sure you

pip freeze > requirements.txt 

To make this less likely to ruin my existing code I did the following

# create a branch for testing heroku
git checkout -b heroku_test

#... follow the heroku tutorial

# add my changes
git add .
git commit -m "Heroku deployment steps"

# add the heroku remote
git remote add heroku [address]
git push heroku heroku_test:master

The last part of the push statement heroku_test:master lets you push your local branch heroku_test to your remote branch master. (Otherwise heroku will just ignore the commit as it is not on the master branch).

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