If you want to dynamically build the list of queries, you could have a sequence like this:
request = Q(name_contains='franz')
if condition1:
request |= Q(birthdate_date=date(2005, 5, 2))
if condition2:
request |= Q(param3_contains='lorem')
If you need something even more generic, you could have a function that passes a dict, like:
conditions = {'name_contains': 'franz',
'birthdate_date': date(2005, 5, 2),
'param3_contains': 'lorem'}
And build the condition like this (Untested):
request = None
for key, value in conditions.items():
new_request = Q(**{key: value})
if request: request |= new_request
else: request = new_request
I have a similar requirement in my application. I have to search for a searchterm in all kinds of names:
Qterm = Q(firstname__icontains=searchterm) | \
Q(lastname__icontains=searchterm) | \
Q(resume__icontains=searchterm) | \
or, if you want to match one field to a number of searchterms:
Qterm = Q()
for term in ["robot", "animatronic", "automaton"]:
Qterm |= Q(rolename_icontains=term)
ultimately becomes a LIKE
. There are also more criteria, like that the user should be ‘active’, which is a boolean field:
Qactive = Q(active=True)
At the end, I combine all these Q objects like this:
Qs = Qterm & Qactive & Qthis & Qthat
…and I retrieve my active users like this:
userlst = Users.objects.filter(Qs)
I hope this helps!
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