Here’s a list of problems in your attempt that would prevent it from displaying anything at all i.e.
quantity: initialQuantity
, – surely you meantquantity: this.initialQuantity
, … etc for all the other such data- missing
for computed total - your
template is invalid – you have multiple “root” elements
And then there’s some minor issues:
- you want the
handler for the select, not@input
, if your code ran, you’d see the difference, - Similarly you want
for input otherwise you’ll be making fetch requests to change the items every keystroke, probably not what you’d want
So, despite all that, I’ve produced some working code that does all you need – mainly for my own “learning” though, to be fair :p
// ******** some dummy data and functions to emulate fetches
const products = [
{ id: 333, text: "Product A", unitPrice: 10},
{ id: 555, text: "Product B", unitPrice: 11},
{ id: 777, text: "Product C", unitPrice: 12},
let dummy = [
{id: 1, quantity:2, product: 333, total: 20},
{id: 2, quantity:3, product: 777, total: 36},
const getLineItems = () => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000, JSON.stringify({lineitems: dummy})));
const update = items => {
return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(() => {
dummy = JSON.parse(items);
dummy.forEach(item =>
item.total = parseFloat(
item.quantity *
(products.find(p => p.id === item.product) || {unitPrice: 0}).unitPrice *
(item.quantity > 4 ? 0.9 : 1.0)
let res = JSON.stringify({lineitems: dummy});
}, 50));
//********* lineItem component
Vue.component('line-item', {
props: ["value"],
data () {
return {
productOptions: [
{ id: 333, text: "Product A"},
{ id: 555, text: "Product B"},
{ id: 777, text: "Product C"},
methods: {
doupdate() {
this.$emit('update-item', this.value.product);
template: `
<input v-model="value.quantity" type="number" @change="doupdate()"/>
<select v-model="value.product" @change="doupdate()">
<option v-for="option in productOptions" v-bind:value="option.id"> {{ option.text }} </option>
Line Item Price: {{ '$' + value.total.toFixed(2) }}
//********* Order/App
const orderPK = '';
var order = new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
orderPK: orderPK,
lineitems: []
mounted() {
// initial load
computed: {
carttotal() {
return this.lineitems.reduce((a, {total}) => a + total, 0)
methods: {
updateOrder(productCode) {
// only call update if the updated item has a product code
if (productCode) {
// real code would be
// fetch(`domain.com/orders/${this.orderPK}/calculate`, this.lineitems).then(resp => resp.json())
// dummy code is
update(JSON.stringify(this.lineitems)).then(data => JSON.parse(data))
.then(data => this.lineitems = data.lineitems);
fetchLineItems() {
// real code would be
//fetch(`domain.com/api/orders/${this.orderPK}`).then(resp => resp.json())
// dummy code is
getLineItems().then(data => JSON.parse(data))
.then(data => this.lineitems = data.lineitems);
addLine() {
id: Math.max([this.lineitems.map(({id}) => id)]) + 1,
product: 0,
total: 0
template: `
<h2 id="total">Order: {{lineitems.length}} items, total: {{'$'+carttotal.toFixed(2)}}</h2>
<line-item v-for="(item, index) in lineitems"
<button @click="addLine()">
Add item
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/vue/2.5.17/vue.min.js"></script>
<div id="app">
note: there may be some inefficient code in there, please don’t judge too harshly, I’ve only been using vuejs for a week