You require django inline formset
In view:
f_set = inlineformset_factory(ModelB, ModelA, extra=1)
In template lets suppose you are rendering form_set in a div
whose id is one_to_many
<div id="one_to_many">
#This will render some thing like this
<div id="one_to_many">
<label for="id_form-0-field_name">Field Name:</label>
<input id="id_form-0-field_name" type="text" name="form-0-field_name" value="" maxlength="100" />
<input type="hidden" name="form-0-id" value="1" id="id_form-0-id" />
<input type="button" value="Add More Field" id="add_more">
Now the jquery
part to add field dynamically:
var tbl = $('#one_to_many').children('table');
var last_id = parseInt(tbl.find('input[type=hidden]').last().val());
var next_id = last_id + 1;
htm = '<tr><th><label for="id_form-'+last_id+'-field_name">Field Name:</label></th><td><input id="id_form-'+last_id+'-field_name" type="text" name="form-'+last_id+'-field_name" value="" maxlength="100" /><input type="hidden" name="form-'+last_id+'-id" value="'+next_id+'" id="id_form-'+last_id+'-id" /></td></tr>'
You can test this on jsfiddle. Note this will only work if you render your form as_table