[Answered ]-How to get unique data for each column from the database in one query (Django ORM)?


Your second approach does produce unique values, but these are unique combinations. So if there are 10 fields with each 5 values, that already can result in at most 510 results, so it scales dramatically.

But the good news is, we can solve this, by aggregating all columns into distinct lists. Indeed, with ArrayAgg [Django-doc]:

MY_FIELDS = ['id', 'created', 'And_more_28']

from django.contrib.postgres.aggregates import ArrayAgg

qs = Sheets.objects.aggregate(
    **{'values_{f}': ArrayAgg('f', distinct=True) for f in MY_FIELDS}
v = [qs[f'values_{f}'] for f in MY_FIELDS]

This will produce lists of distinct values for each column, and all in one single query.

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