How To Get Sheet Name In Excel Vba

How to Get Sheet Name in Excel VBA

To retrieve the active sheet name or a specific sheet name in Excel VBA, you can utilize the following examples:

Example 1: Get Active Sheet Name

Use the .Name property of the ActiveSheet object to get the name of the currently active sheet. Here’s an example:


Example 2: Get Specific Sheet Name

If you want to retrieve the name of a specific sheet by its index or name, you can use the Worksheets collection. Here are two examples:

Example 2.1: Get Sheet Name by Index

Use the index number of the sheet within the Worksheets collection to get its name. Here’s an example:


Example 2.2: Get Sheet Name by Name

Use the name of the sheet within the Worksheets collection to get its name. Here’s an example:


Feel free to modify the code examples based on your specific requirements. These examples should give you a good starting point for retrieving sheet names in Excel VBA.

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