works as Python invoking similarly.
If your are passing literal True
in template, it would be treated as a variable named True
and be searched in template context. If there is not True
defined, the value becomes ''
and coerced to False
by Django, as long as the crop
field is a models.BooleanField
For example,
in foo/templatetags/foo.py
from django import template
register = template.Library()
def test(x, y=False, **kwargs):
return unicode(locals())
in shell
>>> from django.template import Template, Context
>>> t = Template("{% load foo %}{% test 1 True z=42 %}")
>>> print t.render(Context())
{'y': '', 'x': 1, 'kwargs': {'z': 42}}
# you could define True in context
>>> print t.render(Context({'True':True}))
{'y': True, 'x': 1, 'kwargs': {'z': 42}}
# Also you could use other value such as 1 or 'True' which could be coerced to True
>>> t = Template("{% load foo %}{% test 1 1 z=42 %}")
>>> print t.render(Context())
{'y': 1, 'x': 1, 'kwargs': {'z': 42}}
>>> t = Template("{% load foo %}{% test 1 'True' z=42 %}")
>>> print t.render(Context())
{'y': 'True', 'x': 1, 'kwargs': {'z': 42}}