[Answered ]-How to get jquery ajax error data, and is it the correct way to respond?


In the done part you have:

.done(function(data) {

But in the fail you didn’t include the data argument. You should include it if you want to use it:

.fail(function(data) {
    // insert error msg to the form

Regarding the other question – if you know the reason for the fail – I think it’s better to response with 200 and inside the response to have a status: true/false and the rest of the data. This way you can use different functions/behavior if you got some other error code (server not responding/server error/etc).


This might be late but I had this same issue recently and this is my solution.

       var result = xhr.responseJSON;

You can always console log xhr.responseJSON to be sure what’s being returned.

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