[Vuejs]-How to get a key from route module using vuex-router-sync


Found a solution that works quite well. vuex-router-sync fires an action to telling us that the route has changed. Within one of our existing modules you can listen out of this and make a subsequent mutation. For me this would be setting the title from the router/ROUTE_CHANGED action payload.


const router = [
    name: 'Cheese',
    path: 'cheese',
    component: Cheese,
    meta: { title: 'Calendar', requiresAuth: true }


import * as types from '../mutation-types'

// Initial State
const state = {
 cheese: true,
 title: 'App'

// Getters
export const getters = {
  getRouteTitle: state => state.title

// Mutations
export const mutations = {
  'router/ROUTE_CHANGED' (state, payload) {
    state.title = payload.to.meta.title

export default {

Hope that makes sense and please let me know if there is a better solution 🙂

******* UPDATE *********

A super easy way is just to get the $router instance in your component like this:


Which would render to:


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