There are lots of tutorials on how to write tests. Django Documentation (like always) does a great job of explaining what their framework offers in terms of testing. https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/testing/?from=olddocs
In addition there are many articles/slideshows covering WHAT to test.
As far as HOW to test a view you have a couple of options
You can use the built in request factory to generate a request object and call your function directly. You can make sure a redirect is returned if appropriate or a template or whatever you are expecting.
Or you can make a request to the url in your urls.py file.
I mean to test AdminPasswordChangeForm
instantiate it with a user object and a POST dictionary. Check to make sure it is creating the correct form, If you haven’t customized it too much you can skip testing it becuase django does a great job of testing their code.